How to do a Phone Interview like a Champ


You wrote a great cover letter and resume and you have received the email you have been waiting for: you got your first phone interview! Sounds simple right? You don’t have to get “dressed” or worry about hitting traffic on your way to their offices. But phone interviews can be tricky as it is more challenging to make a great first impression over the phone. Here are some tips to nail that phone interview:

-Set up a place to talk where you feel most “professional”. A straight backed chair at a desk or table is best. It’s important to sit up straight, not slouch like you might on a sofa.

-Smile! I know this sounds a little odd since your interviewer won’t see you, but they will hear you smiling through the phone. The smile reminds you to show enthusiasm for the position and to show your personality as well.

-Turn off or block out all distractions: cell phone, computers, iPads should all be turned off or put in silent mode. Put your dog or cat in the other room.

-Have notes. One of the best things about a phone interview is that you can have notes in front of you. Prepare in advance for the questions they will most likely ask: Tell me about yourself and Why do you want to work for XYZ company. Also jot down some questions you have so that at the end of the interview you can remember to ask them.

-Have your resume and cover letter in front of you to job your memory as they will have it in front of them too.

Good luck!

Pamela Weinberg