Utilizing your College/University Career or Alumni Office for Networking

A large part of my coaching practice involves working with those in early stage career development aka recent college grads. Invariably I will ask them about their experience with their College or University Career Services office and they will typically shrug it off and tell me that they felt that their Career Office wasn’t that helpful. As someone who has worked at NYU’s fabulous Wasserman Center, I know firsthand that this is just not so.

Don’t despair, however, it’s not too late to utilize the resources that your University offers. Although policies vary by school, the majority of schools do offer career counseling to their Alumni—often times at no cost. As a strong Alumni network can and should play a large role in your networking, here are some tips to getting the most value out of your University Career Services office:

·      Get on the Listserv. Most schools have one and they are invaluable for job search. Often times alumni will post job openings on their University’s Listserv with hopes to hire another alum. Don’t miss out on this! It’s likely that you have changed your email since you were a student, so call or email the Career Office to get yourself on the list.

·      Attend Webinars, Seminars, Workshops: most career services offices offer a multitude of free or low cost webinars or seminars for alums. These can include topics such as networking, job search, building your LinkedIn profile and more. Make sure to get on the mailing list so you don’t miss out.

·      Get help with resumes, cover letters: have the career counselors help you craft a great cover letter, review your resume or even practice your interview skills. Most schools offer this for their graduates.

·      Ask to be introduced to other Alums in your field: Nearly 90% of alums are open to networking with other alums from their school. Don’t be afraid to ask for an introduction through career services!

Looking for additional ways to network? Let’s talk!


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